May 20, 2011

Suffering is optional

So I haven't posted in like a week. I'm sure the two people that actually read this were totally bummed. Okay, maybe there is one person out there?! Whatevs, this is more for me and if I happen to post something that hits home to someone else or makes you think for a bit...slow down, take a deep breath, smell the roses and realize this world we live in is beautiful, than it's all good and its and extra bonus.

My uncle forwarded along an awesome quote he found going through his old emails yesterday. It's something everyone can identify with. I hate bringing up over and over how its been a tough year, because I'm not looking for anyone's pity and I hate when people whine about how crappy their lives are because you know, everyone is dealing with something or another. Problems are problems, no matter how big or small they are. I look back at the lowest point in my life and I had no huge, life altering occurrences that happened to make me upset. There were things, but at that time, they had a major impact on me. On paper, this past year has easily has been the shittiest with everything that has happened, yet I think it may be the best year of my life. I have grown into the woman I have always wanted to be. The one that was always inside of me but I never let her come out. I can't explain it, there are no words I can put down to express what I feel awakening inside of me. All I know is, life doesn't turn out the way you always thought it would. You will be hurt over and over and over. Shit is always gonna happen. There will come a time again when I will feel hopeless, sad, alone. But today, in this moment, I'm happy. I see the beauty in everything life has to offer, in the big and small things. Every thing is so much more than it's surface. If you take the time to look, I mean really look, you can find goodness in everything. And sometimes, even if its just little moments like what I'm feeling right now, you realize the life that you are actually living is much better than the one you wanted. Because the thing is, it's real. The life that has been given to us is what's real, not what we want or dream up in our heads. Today, right now, this is it. This is's up to us if we decide to live it or not.

*It is in your darkest moments that a real shift in your life can happen. Your soul uses both the dark and the light to propel you forward on your path of learning, upliftment and growth. Pain is a powerful motivator. Pain tells you when something needs to be remedied quickly. Pain can also tell you when you are off course. We do not yet live in an enlightened world where pain is not necessary for growth. Until then, welcome pain in your life. Pain that is not fully accepted will turn into suffering. Pain is an aspect of life. Suffering is optional*

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